Nursing homes and caregivers are entrusted with the well-being of our elderly loved ones. Statistics indicate they too often betray this trust by abusing or neglecting older people.
Has your loved one been the victim of elder or nursing home abuse in California? If so, review their case with a Santa Monica elder abuse and nursing home abuse attorney at Randolph and Associates. If your loved one appears eligible to recover financial compensation, our dedicated team is on hand to help them pursue it.
Important Information About Elder Abuse & Nursing Home Abuse
Abuse of the elderly is more common than many realize. According to the World Health Organization:
- In a given year, approximately one in six people over the age of 60 will be the victim of some form of abuse in a community setting.
- Two in three staff members at nursing homes and similar institutions admit to committing some form of abuse in the past year.
- As aging populations grow, rates of elder abuse are likely to increase.
The WHO also points out that the consequences of elder abuse can be severe. They may include (but aren’t necessarily limited to) the following:
- Death, particularly if an elderly person is severely neglected or abused
- Injuries requiring costly medical treatment and/or long-term care
- Physical pain
- Psychological distress
- Emotional trauma
- Financial hardship
Why Elder Abuse & Nursing Home Abuse Occur?
There is never any valid excuse for a caregiver to abuse an elderly person. However, there are several accepted reasons why elder abuse occurs so often. They include the following:
- Opportunity: Elderly people are typically more vulnerable than younger adults. They may lack both the physical and mental capacities necessary to protect themselves from abuse. Thus, it may seem relatively easy for a caregiver or a staff member at a nursing home to abuse a resident without getting caught.
- Stress and overwork: It must be acknowledged that tending to the care of a more significant number of elderly people in a nursing home setting can be very demanding. Those who work in nursing homes and provide elderly residents with the quality of care they’re entitled to deserve our appreciation and admiration. Unfortunately, some respond to the stress of working in such an environment by neglecting residents, abusing residents, or both.
- Crises: Research indicates elder abuse and neglect rates rose sharply during the worst days of the Covid-19 pandemic. In nursing homes, many elderly residents grew ill during the pandemic, as the virus is particularly harmful to older adults. Additionally, the pandemic may have resulted in staffing shortages at nursing homes. This added to the burdens of staff members who were likely already stressed due to their jobs. Once more, this doesn’t justify their mistreatment of the elderly, but it does explain why specific unexpected crises can trigger a rise in cases of elder abuse.
- Improper hiring practices: Those responsible for hiring nursing home staff members must ensure they hire enough workers to handle the needs of a nursing home’s population. They must also thoroughly vet job candidates to avoid hiring those who are not qualified. Sadly, some nursing home owners cut corners by hiring fewer workers than necessary to save money. Or, they might not screen candidates as thoroughly as they should before hiring them.
These are just a few explanations for elder abuse and nursing home abuse trends. Regardless of why this type of abuse occurs, when it does, victims deserve to receive compensation accordingly.
Common Forms Of Elder Abuse & Nursing Home Abuse
Abuse of the elderly can take many forms. The following are noteworthy examples:
- Physical abuse: This form of elder and nursing home abuse occurs when a victim sustains injuries due to a direct physical attack
- Emotional abuse: Emotional abuse occurs when a victim is subject to verbal mistreatment or when others try to control their actions. Examples of emotional abuse include (but aren’t limited to) insulting a victim, yelling at a victim, making threats, isolating a victim, and controlling a victim’s activities unreasonably.
- Neglect: Neglect of the elderly involves failure to address their needs. For instance, an elderly person may be the victim of neglect if those charged with their care don’t regularly feed them or monitor their hygiene.
- Sexual abuse: Residents of nursing homes and elderly people in need of caregivers are often vulnerable due to physical weakness, impaired cognition, and other factors. Unfortunately, this allows others to easily take advantage of them sexually.
- Financial abuse: Financial abuse of the elderly can involve improperly changing a will, stealing from a victim, lying to a victim to convince them to give away their money, etc.
Santa Monica Elder Abuse & Nursing Home Abuse Cases: Signs To Monitor For
Monitoring your loved one for signs of abuse is critical if you’ve placed them in a nursing home or trusted someone to be their caregiver. Common signs of abuse include:
- Injuries requiring medical treatment.
- Unexplained wounds and bruises.
- Bed sores.
- Sudden fluctuations in weight (which can consist of rapidly putting weight on).
- Changes in mood or behavior.
- Behavior indicating your loved one is fearful when in the presence of a nursing home staff member or caregiver.
- Large withdrawals from a loved one’s financial accounts.
These are just a few examples. If you have strong reason to believe your loved one is the victim of abuse, investigate the matter further and remove them from the environment.
How Does A Santa Monica Elder Abuse & Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Help?
You may file a claim with a nursing home’s or caregiver’s insurance on behalf of your loved one if they’ve been the victim of abuse. Doing so allows you to pursue compensation for the pain they’ve endured.
Consider hiring a lawyer when taking legal action. At Randolph and Associates, a Santa Monica elder abuse and nursing home abuse attorney, we can investigate your case to gather evidence proving your loved one was mistreated. This improves their odds of recovering proper compensation. Contact us online or call us at 310-395-7900 for a free consultation today.