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Palm Desert Broken Bones Attorney

If you’ve suffered a broken bone in Palm Desert, you’re likely facing a difficult and stressful time. You’re dealing with pain, restricted mobility, and potentially mounting medical bills. You may also be wondering how you’ll pay your bills and whether you can recover fully.

At Randolph and Associates, our Palm Desert broken bones attorney understands your challenges. We have extensive experience helping injured victims like you recover the compensation they deserve. We’re dedicated to providing compassionate, personalized legal representation throughout your claim.

Types of Broken Bones

We understand what you’re going through. Our experienced Palm Desert broken bones lawyer is dedicated to helping injured victims like you. Here are some of the common bone fractures we handle:

Arm fractures: Include breaks in the upper arm bone (humerus), the forearm bones (radius and ulna), and the wrist bones.

Leg fractures: This includes fractures of the thigh bone (femur), shinbone (tibia), and smaller leg bone (fibula), as well as ankle fractures.

Ribs fractures: One or more of your ribs can break due to a fall, impact, or other trauma.

Face fractures: This includes fractures of the jaw, nose, cheekbones, and bones around your eyes.

Pelvis fractures: Include breaks in the hip bones, the pelvis itself, and the sacrum bone at the base of your spine.

Spine fractures: This involves vertebrae, neck, back, or lower back fractures.

Common Causes of Broken Bones

Broken bones, while common, can significantly impact one’s life. They can result from various causes:

  • Car accidents: These are a leading cause of broken bones, especially for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians.
  • Slip and fall accidents: These can occur on wet or uneven surfaces, sidewalks, or stairs.
  • Motorcycle accidents: These accidents often result in serious injuries, including broken bones.
  • Dog bites: These can cause puncture wounds and broken bones, especially in children.
  • Sports injuries: Athletes are at risk for broken bones due to falls, collisions, and overuse injuries.

Contact Us For Legal Representation

A skilled Palm Desert broken bones lawyer ensures you receive fair compensation for your injuries. Legal representation can significantly affect your case’s outcome, especially when navigating the complex legal and insurance landscapes.

If you or a loved one has suffered a broken bone injury, don’t navigate this challenging time alone. Contact Randolph and Associates, your dedicated broken bones lawyer in Palm Desert, for expert legal guidance and support. Allow us to assist you on your path to justice.

Have You Been Injured In An Accident?

If you have been involved in an accident or injured due to the negligence of someone else, it is important that you seek legal representation. The trusted and experienced attorneys at Randolph and Associates are here to guide you in the aftermath of your accident and fight on your behalf to get you the compensation and justice you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation.
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