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Santa Monica Car Accident Attorney

Car Crash Lawyers in Santa Monica

Santa Monica is among California’s busiest cities. In such an environment, motor vehicle accidents can and do happen. If you are involved in a car accident, seeking the expertise of car crash lawyers in Santa Monica can be crucial. A specialized attorney can help navigate the legal complexities, ensure you receive fair compensation, and provide support throughout recovery.

Perhaps you’ve been involved in one. Even if you’re a cautious driver, it’s possible to be injured in a car crash resulting from the negligence of another party.

This experience can leave you with injuries requiring costly medical treatment. If your injuries prevent you from working until you recover, you may also be deprived of the ability to earn an income, worsening your financial circumstances.

You can seek financial compensation for these losses if your accident occurred because another motorist, a pedestrian, or another such party was careless. Review your case with a Santa Monica car accident attorney at Randolph and Associates to learn more about your legal options. We’re prepared to help you recover the compensation you deserve.

Types Of Vehicle Accidents

What You Need to Know About Car Accidents in Santa Monica?

According to data from the California Office of Transportation Safety, 781 people were injured due to Santa Monica motor vehicle accidents in 2017. This relatively high accident rate can be attributed to the city’s population and location. Because Santa Monica is very close to Los Angeles, its roads tend to be crowded. The more vehicles on the road, the greater the odds of accidents. Drivers must exercise caution accordingly. Unfortunately, sometimes motorists are injured when those with whom they share the road engage in such behaviors as:

  • Speeding
  • Driving while intoxicated
  • Driving while drowsy
  • Texting or browsing the internet while driving
  • Ignoring Stop signs and other traffic signals
  • Not yielding the right-of-way

Steps to Take in the Aftermath of a Santa Monica Car Crash

If you’ve already been involved in a car crash in the Santa Monica area that you suspect resulted from another party’s negligence, the best step you can take now is to avoid working directly with an insurance company. Instead, schedule a consultation with our car crash lawyers in Santa Monica. Anything you say to an insurance adjuster before you’ve hired an attorney to represent you can potentially harm your case’s outcome.

However, if you haven’t yet been harmed in such an accident but wish to know what you should do in the immediate aftermath of a collision if you ever do find yourself in these circumstances, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Check yourself for injuries: After an accident, you may have sustained injuries that require immediate attention. Check yourself for injuries and address any you find accordingly.
  • Check your passengers: Once you’ve addressed your immediate needs, check your passengers to confirm they aren’t seriously injured.
  • Move to a safe spot: Get to a safe place away from traffic. Unless you can operate your vehicle safely, walking to a secure location is probably best instead of driving.
  • Check on others involved in the accident: You may feel the urge to angrily confront other drivers involved in your collision if you believe they caused it. Do not make this mistake. An angry confrontation can lead to violence. At the very least, in the heat of the moment, you might accidentally make a statement indicating you’re to blame for the collision. Instead, maintain your composure and check to ensure the other drivers are safe.
  • Exchange information: Exchange contact and insurance information with the other drivers involved in your accident. If someone flees the scene, note any details that might help you identify them later, such as their vehicle make/model, vehicle color, license plate number, physical description, etc.
  • Report the accident: Call 911 to report the accident to the police. They will send an officer to investigate.
  • Coordinate with witnesses: Witness statements can play a significant role in your case when you pursue compensation after a Santa Monica car accident. If witnesses are at the scene, get their names and contact information.
  • Take pictures: Document the scene and your injuries by taking pictures.
  • Cooperate with police: Cooperate with the police when they investigate the scene. Be honest, but refrain from allowing your emotions to get the better of you. Don’t admit fault if you’re not to blame for the accident happening.
  • See a doctor: You must see a doctor immediately after the police complete their initial investigation. Even if you don’t think you’ve been injured, you may have sustained injuries without realizing it.

How Do Car Accident Lawyers in Santa Monica Can Help?

California is a fault or “tort” state regarding car accidents. When an accident results from someone’s actions or negligence in California, victims can seek compensation for their medical bills and other such losses by filing a claim to collect from the negligent party’s insurance.

In some instances, victims must file lawsuits to seek damages in court. This may be necessary if the negligent party responsible for causing an accident doesn’t have insurance or their insurer won’t offer a fair settlement.

Regardless, studies confirm that accident victims are more likely to recover compensation when they hire lawyers. Additionally, the compensation they recover when they hire car accident lawyers tends to be greater than what they’d secure if they represented themselves.

Car Crash Lawyers in Santa Monica Can Help You To Pursue Compensation

  • Investigating to identify who caused your accident
  • Gathering evidence proving the liable party was negligent
  • Accounting for past, present, and, if necessary, future losses/damages to calculate how much money your claim may be worth
  • Negotiating with the insurance company for a proper settlement if their first offers are low, which is often the case

Contact a Santa Monica Car Accident Attorney Today

Being injured in a car accident because someone else was negligent is a painful experience to endure. A Santa Monica car accident lawyer can ease your burdens while you focus on your recovery by pursuing the compensation you’re eligible for. To learn more about what we at Randolph and Associates can do for you, contact us online or at 310-395-7900 for a free consultation.

Have You Been Injured In An Accident?

If you have been involved in an accident or injured due to the negligence of someone else, it is important that you seek legal representation. The trusted and experienced attorneys at Randolph and Associates are here to guide you in the aftermath of your accident and fight on your behalf to get you the compensation and justice you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation.
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